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Fly Fishing Moving Water

About this event

Hosted by Bob Shoberg

We will cover the following topics:
  1.  Pocket water
  2.  Pools
  3.  Riffles
  4.  Merging currents
  5.  Outside bends
  6.  Tailouts

 Also Flies, Nymphing techniques, Special casts and more.



Date and Time

Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM


Willow Glen Library Community Room
Willow Glen Library Community Room
1157 Minnesota Ave.
San Jose, CA  95125

Event Contact(s)

Dick Powers
Seminar Co-chair

Bob Shoberg



Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full and Waitlist is full


25 Total Slots
Event is full