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Covid Policy - 2024

The Flycasters Fishout Sign-Up Fairness Doctrine

The Flycasters fishout program continues to be very successful with a full schedule of
fishouts planned for 2022. The fishmasters and Board of Directors have been discussing how to provide a fair system for year-to-year rotations for attendees on our most popular recurring fishouts. After several meetings, the Board has approved a new fishout signup and wait list policy as described below.

· Fishmaster maintains a signup list and a waitlist.

· After fishout is completed, all attendees wanting to return next year are moved to bottom of waitlist (suggest random draw for their order at bottom).

· Fishmaster begins filling next year’s attendance by starting at top of waitlist.

· A deposit will be required to hold your spot on next year’s signup list, the amount and timing to be defined by the fishmaster.

· If openings remain after working through waitlist, then fishout opens to club wide announcements.

· Members wanting to attend a fishout in future, either this year or next year, are then encouraged to sign up on the waitlist.

· If a fishout does not recur the next year, it’s considered cancelled and will be handled the same as all new fishouts with open signups from club wide announcements.

· Procedure to be implemented for fishouts starting 2022.

In addition to improving fairness, it’s hoped this policy will help fishmasters have more visibility for member interest and members have a path to attend the most popular fishouts. Members should review the fishout schedule, and if you want to go on a fishout that is already filled, make sure you add yourself to the waitlist, you will get highest priority for the following year.

Flycasters 2025 Fishout Schedule

Feb 1-8 Peacock Bass Brazil   Rich Otto
Mar 1-2 Lower Yuba Lee Dorius 

April 8 Rancho Seco with Granite Bay club
Jeff Lorelli / Jim Degnan  calendar link
April 6-9 Hat Creek, McCumber , Baum lakes  Phil Brouwer calendar link
May 9-11 Sly Park / Jenkison Lake  Lee Dorius  calendar link Full
May 17 Surf Fishout   Luke Sing/Mike Lovejoy  calendar link
June 5-8  Gerle Lake Scout Trip  Jim Plante calendar link Full
June 13 Sawmill Lake Tahoe NF  Jeff Lorelli   calendar link Open
June 14 Sawmill Lake Tahoe NF  Jeff Lorelli  calendar link Open
June 7-11 Mammoth/Hwy 395 area (women only)   Betsy Fullagar calendar link Full
June 16-18 Pyramid Lake    Rich Otto    Full
June 18-21
Spicer canoe trip
Greg Takata calendar link
June (tbd) Montana Big Hole Lodge  Wade Goertz    Full
June 25-26 Lake Almanor Hex Hatch  Scott Conradson
June/July/August (TBD) Stevens Creek Resevoir  Greg Takata   TBD
July 7-10 Trinity Alps Backpack Scout Trip  Dan Linebarger    TBD
Aug 5-12 Golden Trout Pack Trip - Evolution Valley  Lee Dorius  calendar link Full
Aug (tbd)  Surf fishnet Luke Sing
Sept 4-7 High Sierra Backpack - Bear Creek Dave Ahrens
Sep 15-18 Crater Lake Lassen NF (for beginners & new fly fishers)  Phil Brouwer calendar link Open
Sep (late) Lower Sac guide trip (for new members)  Greg Takata   TBD
Sept (late) Hat Creek  (for new members)  Scott Conradson
Sept 26-28 Mammoth Area   Paul Lai   TBD
Oct 4-5 Hwy 108 (for new members)   Jeff Lorelli / Lee Dorius   TBD
Oct 9-12 Yamsi Ranch Betsy Fullagar calendar link Open
Oct 11-14 Hat Creek, Baum and Manzanita Lakes  Phil Brouwer calendar link
Oct (late) Rogue River Steelhead float
Mike Larson
Nov 9-12 TrinityRiver
Jim Isaacson
Mike Lovejoy

Nov 12-16
Klamath River
Frank Eldredge


Remember to  submit your “Big Fish Cards” for 2022!  Any fish caught during the calendar year is eligible, with a deadline for submission at the December club meeting.
The Flycasters Fishing Awards Program  was established  to hopefully  encourage   more  members   to  participate   in  club   Fishouts  and   also submit “Big Fish Cards” to recognize the fish they catch.

The Flycasters Fishing Awards Program consists of several awards, including;
    1) Angler of the Year Award,
    2) Ring of the Rise Award in two categories, fresh and saltwater, awarded to the member who lands the largest fish on a fly
    3) 20-20 Club -- Name goes on a plaque which recognizes a catch of a fish 20 inches or larger caught on a dry fly size 20 or smaller More than one person can qualify each year, but since this is a rarity, it has not happened yet. The most recent recipient of the award gets to keep it at their house..

All of the awards are based upon the submittal of “Big Fish Cards” (which will be described below).“Big Fish Cards” can be submitted for each species of fish an angler catches.

There are two categories;
    1) California       2) Out of State
Anglers may submit a maximum of one species in each category, IE an angler may submit “Big Fish Cards” for a rainbow trout caught in California, and also for a rainbow trout caught outside of California.

Just submit a Fish Card Form

The purpose of the “Big Fish Cards” is to provide an objective evaluation system for the accrual of points in the determination of awards.

Eligibility Rules are as follows:
     - The flyfisher must be a member in good standing with the San Jose Flycasters.
     - The fish must be taken with fly fishing equipment only. 
     - All applicable fishing regulations must be followed. 

Eligible   fish   are   any   species   of   fish   considered   to   be   a   “sportfish”   listed   by   the   IGFA   or   the  applicable government fisheries agency.

The fish must be caught in “public waters” open to all anglers (this includes waters that have a  paid  fee that is available to all).

The fish must be released and retention under any circumstances will disqualify the entry.

A photo of the fish must be submitted or a witness must be identified to verify the catch.

For the Angler of the Year Award, an angler cannot win the award in consecutive years (IE, previous year winner is not eligible the following year).