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Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
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Here is a bipartisan bill making it's way through the federal legislature which is important for the future of America's wildlife. Since the early 1900's, the country has seen a significant population decline of nearly 50% of all wildlife species. Most recovery efforts have been consumer driven or focused on endangered species with many threatened species not getting adequate funding for recovery. The Recovering America's Wildlife Act would help fund needed work to recover species which are presently under funded.

Be sure to watch the video near the end of the article.


Subject: [New post] A conservation bill you’ve never heard of may be the most important in a generation

A conservation bill you’ve never heard of may be the most important in a generation


May 22

by Andrew L. Rypel This blog is a short introduction to a lesser known federal bill that is one of the most significant pieces of fish and wildlife legislation in decades. In Spring of 2021, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.) introduced the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. During July 2021, a separate […]


Frank Eldredge

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