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South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition: Cleanup on July ...
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Many of our members volunteer with South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition. Here is the announcement of the next creek cleanup.

Friends of South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition,

June 30, 2022, is the end of our fiscal year. This past year (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022) we have held 51 cleanups where 1,493 volunteers spent 2,986 hours, picking up 104.33 tons of trash!!! We are humbled by the generosity of our volunteers and financial supporters.

Please help us start our new year out by joining us July 9, 2022, for our TEAM 222 Cleanup.  

Put on some old clothes and shoes. Join us for a creek clean up and enjoy that sunshine. We have a mission to Reclaim, Restore and Revitalize our watershed. Many hands make this work a lighter task, so please join us!

Volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:45 am for a safety presentation. We will be providing trash pick-up tools, trash bags, gloves. Please bring your own water container and water! We ask everyone to wear heavy soled shoes, long pants, hat and sunscreen. The work will begin at 9:00 am, running through 11:00 am.

Carol Szymkiewicz

Operations Manager

South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition

Frank Eldredge

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